The best Gadgets and Design Week 1/2011
Every day we search all important online shops for new gadgets or cool design stuff. Sometimes others gadgets blogs discover first or find amazing gadgets where we never search. So, we decide in 2011 to make a weekly roundup with the best gadgets founds by our friends.
If you just find a new super gadget or a new cool design or just too weird technology just let us know
Wireless Inductive Charging – now we can talking about electric cars.

Featured on OhGizmo!
Lady Gaga Polaroid glasses – weird Lady Gaga fashion arrived in Technology station. Everyone please leave the train!

Featured on Gizmodo
Samsung bendy AMOLED display – Blend, twist display technology.

Featured on DVICE
A Video Camera Inside A Hot Wheels Car See how it is inside of Hot Wheels car as it raced through loops.

Featured on OhGizmo!
Razer Switchblade – mini Tablet PC for Gamers. Why? Because everybody love Tablet PC.

Featured on technabob
BambiTRON – coming soon.

Featured on nerd approved
TRON Lamp – 7.4/10 on IMDB, should be a good movie. So, someone make a lamp dedicated to the TRON movie.

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