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Levitation Floating LED Touch Globe Lamp
Levitation Floating LED Touch Globe Lamp
October 4, 2019
Imagine a lighten moon globe levitating in you room with no wires or string attached; It will just amaze everyone; We’ll teach you the levitation secret step by step; Easy to follow instructions on how to make the globe floating will make you or your child a levitation master in minutes;3D printed representation of the moon’s surface based on NASA topographic map of the moon; Al the craters, mountains, valleys of the moon can be felt and seen; It’s like looking thru a powerful astronomical telescope;The levitating moon lamp is a great gift for all the moon and levitation enthusiasts out there; Both children and adults will be amazed by the spinning and floating globe, lighten by a soft light fading from the warm light of the moonrise to the cool light of the mid sky moon;Cool and unique home decor packed with cutting-edge technologies like wireless inductive power transfer technology combined with the magnetic levitation technology, touch controlled technology and 3D printing technology with PLA;