Brain-wave biofeedback sleep aid system sleep hat sleep equipment
The Sleep Shepherd is the first all-natural sleep aid that monitors your brainwaves in real time and uses a biofeedback loop to help you sleep better without drugs. The Sleep Shepherd is uni- que from other sleep aids in that it uses biofeedback in partnership with your brain’s natural structure to slow your brain down and guide you to sleep.
The device’s Virtual Hammock Te- chnology induces a rhythmic sensation by utilizing the natural workings of the brain’s auditory center. The rhythmic pulse you ‘hear’ when wearing the Sleep Shepherd is actually your brain deciphering the difference in frequency between the two tones that are played into either ear. T- he Sleep Shepherd Sleep System is an entirely drug-free and all-natural approach to getting a b- etter night’s sleep. The hat is made of a stretchable and breathable fabric with built-in senso- rs and hi-fidelity speakers.
The sensors contained within the hat closely monitor the wearer’s brainwaves and adjust aut- omatically as your brain activity slows. The specialized tones automatically shut off when yo- ur brain has reached a sleepy state. However, the hat continues to monitor your brainwaves and movement throughout the night and is ready to come back on whenever needed. Unlike pharmac- eutical approaches, the Sleep Shepherd? does not alter your brain’s chemistry and can therefo- re be worn as often as needed without the risk of chemical dependency.