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Total Golf Trainer 3.0 Kit – Golf Training Aids
Total Golf Trainer 3.0 Kit – Golf Training Aids
December 14, 2019
The TGT 3.0 is adjustable to fit all golfers and used by right or left handed players. Designed to reinforce proper fundamental and help all golfers learn to control the body and club for a dynamic, powerful and repeatable golf swingBio Movement Arm Trainer – Helps golfers achieve the ideal wrist , elbow and arm position throughout the golf swingBio Movement Hip Trainer – Will allow you to feel the proper chain of events in the downswing to ensure the club approaches the ball from the inside, strikes it solid, and your arms extend through the shot for increased power and accuracy.Total Golf Trainer – Teaches you to fix Your Posture and Hip Rotation for More Consistent Ball-Striking. Multiple settings; Straight Setting, “L” Shape Setting, “U” shape setting, Dual Setting.