Ascent Himalayan Salt Lamp Natural Crystal Air Purifier and Ionizer
Himalayan salt lamps are the newest and coolest available.
Inspired by the untouched places on Earth, we used our expertise to create and build something pure, that we would be proud of and bring the benefits of the outdoors to where we spend the most time, our homes and offices.
Ascent is a beautiful natual air purifier and ionizer that is patented and sepcially designed to be superb decor for any living room or home
Himalayan lamps are great but most of them come with major issues. They often melt, are hot to touch, use up lots of electricity and can be messy – not to mention they don’t always look the best!
Ascent stays cool, does not melt, and is long lasting, not to mention it looks stunning anywhere. Ascent does NOT leak which means you don’t need to spend time and effort cleaning up after it