FiiO X1 Black
Introducing the New FiiO X1 MP3 player. This is a more affordable version of FiiO’s range of DAP’s and boasts the same sound quality and build quality as all their other products. This new DAP is a lightweight version of it’s big brothers the X3 and the X5 but the sound volume and quality is just as great as the bigger boys. The smaller sleek design of the X1 means that it fits nicely into your hand and pocket. The central click wheel makes navigating through menus quick and easy. The volume buttons on the side of the X1 are easily recognisable and easy to use. This is a wonderful starter DAP for anyone new to the FiiO range, our a great addition to the FiiO collector that wants a lightweight item to take out and about. Once you have one of these in your collection you may want more.