Love Energy Potion
Love Energy Potion is chock full of goodies to get your body in high gear and ready for action. 160mg of caffeine per tiny, 1.69oz bottle (that’s as much caffeine as two 8oz energy drinks) plus a load of vitamins awaits you.
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It tastes better cold, more or less like a thick sugary liquid treat. I didn’t really notice anything to spectacular other than maybe the same boost as a cup of coffee and it didn’t last long. It is important to note that I have a high tolerance to caffeine and energy drinks. I like the packaging, though, but if it wasn’t for that, I don’t think I would ever buy it.It’s sweeter compared to other energy drinks, maybe too sweet. It tastes like a melted Icee Pop, a warm melted Icee Pop, but a little thicker. Doesn’t have the bitter taste like a 5-Hour Energy shot or the like. It’s not disgusting and it’s easy enough to drink, but I think it would taste better cold.