ShowDown Digital Fishfinder
The howDown 5.6 Digital Fishfinder has all the right “news”… a higher resolution LCD to see fish and bottom structure more clearly, a 12V 9-amp battery included for longer fishing between charges, and a custom neoprene soft pack, a waterproof case to keep the system dry. And it has half the footprint size of standard flashers, and silent operation, no whirring motor. And simple 7-button, no-menu operation. Here’s more on why this is the orca among all the “little fish” out there: Super-crisp vertical LCD display… the vertical matches the water column, so it’s logically easy to read. Multi-level high-contrast grayscale, so you see fish as they approach your bait by watching the gray bands turn to black. Backlit to be easily daylight viewable. Ice-Mode activates an internal heater to aid the LCD in extreme conditions, down to -40F; 1000W true RMS power, up to 8,000W peak-to-peak power.
ShowDown® 5.6 Digital Fishfinder
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