Computer processors are everywhere!
Back in the 1950’s and 1960’s, computer processors were so massive and expensive that only large corporations and major universities could afford them. The thought of having a computer in your home—or in your pocket—would have sounded preposterous! Yet, that is exactly what has happened over the past couple of decades. Whether they realize it or not, most people today own multiple computer processors and often carry them around throughout the course of a day. How so? Here are a few examples.
* Laptops: From business executives to law enforcement officers, virtually everyone uses these portable computers to do work while away from the office. In fact, computer processors have become so powerful that a thin, lightweight laptop can often perform just as well as a standard desktop computer. For this reason, many businesses are opting to bypass the desktop altogether and purchase only laptops.

* Cell phones: Whether they are black or pink, thin and sleek or rugged and durable, all cell phones have one thing in common—they all are powered by computer processors. Advances in mobile processors have enabled cell phone manufacturers to develop amazing features at an affordable cost. Cell phones now often include features such as picture messaging, GPS navigation, Web browsing, and video conferencing, to name just a few. Oh, and they can also make phone calls.
* DVD players: Back in the old days, people who wanted to see a movie were forced to get dressed up, travel to the theatre, buy a ticket, sit in uncomfortable seats, and wait for the movie to start. Not so today! Thanks to cheap DVD players and the computer processors that make them tick, people can watch any movie they want, whenever they want to watch it. The advent of portable DVD players has made it possible watch movies indoors, outdoors, at home, or in the car. There is hardly any location that these little processors cannot go.
These are just three of many examples that could be cited. What does the future hold? Will computer processors continue to become smaller and more powerful? Will they eventually be replaced by some other technology that has not even been considered yet? Only time will tell. One thing is certain, however. Computer processors have forever changed the way we live!
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