Digital Pocket Watch
Digital pocket watch is the result of the amalgamation of two contrasting time pieces. The existing pocket watch has been parted with its traditional innards and workings and replaced with a compacted digital display. The black semi opaque covering was
formed to fit the original glass and completes the transformation
of theclassic time piece. I am interested in how traditional
objects can incorporate modern technology to produce items of contradictory appearance.
Where can I get one of these and how much do they cost?
This is what I want to get my Dad. Where can you find one?
it is a link at the end of the article
I would like to have this pocket watch how much.
It’s designed by a guy called marc owens, think it may be a one-off, but he may be persuadable to make more – I want one too.
How can I get the digial pocket watch above? How much?
how do i get the digital pocket watch and how much?
i have not got the information about the didgital pocket watch
Where can I get one of these and how much do they cost?
Is this digital pocketwatch available – if so, how can I order one?
how do i get one, where. I live in fremont ca.
This item is available and how much does it cost?
i need a gold digital pocket watch for a project,is it made of gold? how much is it and where can i get one??